This post is the final part in a two-part series focusing on love and money from two very different perspectives: the female point of view and the male point of view. View part one of the “She said, He said” series.
The first part of the “Love and Money: She said, He said” series focused on the traits women find attractive in a mate, specifically when it comes to finances. For part two, we’re going to take a look at the male perspective when it comes to love and money.
There are a number of studies that have been conducted on this topic, and – though not particularly surprising – significantly more men significantly more men place a higher value on attractiveness in a partner compared to women.
According to MMI’s Love and Money survey, out of six traits, women ranked attractiveness sixth, while the rankings for men are as follows:
- Common values and interests
- Attractiveness
- Job security
- Low debt level
- A good credit history
- Adequate savings
However, various studies and research conducted on the traits men find appealing in a mate has shown that over the years, financial stability has become a more important factor for men. Researchers at the University of Iowa find that men increasingly are interested in intelligent, educated women who are financially stable.
And according to MMI’s Love and Money survey, while a “low debt level” is more important to women than men, more men consider a mate’s high debt levels to be a deal-breaker in a relationship.
These findings aren’t necessarioly surprising when considering the fact that relationships are all about give-and-take. And whether you’re male or female, you will likely be wary of entering into a relationship where you feel you may have to “give” more than the other person.
On that same note, one trait men find universally unattractive is a partner who is “needy” – and that can mean financially needy as well. Men want to know that a woman can stand on her own two feet. And that’s a great quality to have – whether you’re in a relationship or not!
For more great Love and Money resources:
- View the full survey results.
- Visit the Love and Money section on
- Download our free Love and Money eBook.