While it’s always great to get a fresh start, it’s important to remember the lessons we’ve already learned. I’ve complied a list of the 12 things I learned in 2010 that are worth remembering in 2011.
In January, I learned a new definition of rich. In her post titled How do you define rich?, Tanisha Warner explains that being rich can mean having enough money to comfortably maintain while reaching the next level in a journey of building wealth.
In February, I realized that—without buying anything—I spend hundreds of dollars just to live through a day. See if you’ve already spent a ton of money today.
In March, I reconsidered what are considered “normal” financial behaviors. In When it comes to money, what is “normal”?, I highlight some statistics that offer a financial picture that is different from what we’re used to seeing.
April is Financial Literacy Month, so the blog featured inspirational guest posts from people who have overcome financial challenges. I was so inspired by Catherine’s touching story titled “I was at the bottom of my life.”
On May 17, MMI announced the results of the first phase of a bankruptcy study designed to measure the impact of our bankruptcy counseling and education programs. I learned that some of the benefits of bankruptcy counseling include increased knowledge and confidence.
In June, Anna Kronzer’s entertaining blog post titled To buy or not to buy: kitchen gadgets made me think lot about the contents of my kitchen.
In July, MMI launched the This is What We Do video. This fun-to-watch 3:22 video makes me very proud to be part of this organization.
In August, I got to talk to kids what they think it means to be rich. In this video, they offer some words to wisdom worth remembering.
In September, I learned that change can be good. That is the month we aligned all of our Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) branch locations under one name: Money Management International (MMI). Read more about it in Name change for local branch offices.
Protect Your Identity Week is in October. I had the opportunity to interview an identity theft victim who taught me about the huge impact identity theft can have on your life.
In November, I explored how generosity can sometimes turn into resentment. In 2011, I resolve to work toward true generosity.
In December, Renee McGruder wrote a guest post about how to go from spendthrift to saver. Like the people who left comments, I learned a lot about my own spending patterns.
I look forward learning more about money management in 2011. If you have a topic you would like to know more about, please let us know!