Recently, I had the opportunity to ask author Phil Villarreal to choose a favorite tip from his new book Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel. His choice was a tip where he advises people to purchase a cubic zirconium engagement ring and claim it is a family heirloom. While some might find that practice shady, it’s hard for me to throw stones. I’ve been pretending my diamond earrings are actual diamonds for the past five years.
I wasn’t planning to lie to my heirs about the fake rocks, but I certainly wasn’t volunteering their true nature when people commented on their size and clarity. You see, when my husband bought me diamond earrings for our 10th anniversary, I promptly returned and replaced with fakes. (Yes, he knows!) I just couldn’t justify the cost nor could I bear the responsibility of having something so valuable (I have a history of losing things).
I haven’t given the earring swap a second thought until now. Since I never want to be accused of being a shady character, I offer this public confession. So does it matter to you that my diamonds aren’t actually diamonds? Would it matter if they were yours?