As people become more comfortable with electronic banking, it is easy to see why they favor the mouse to the pen. In addition to convenience, banking online can help you quickly detect fraudulent activity. Following are ten reasons Anna Kozner, marketing coordinator and online banking fan, loves online banking and billing.
1. No late fees with automatic bill pay.
2. Reduced paper waste from bills, statements, and checks.
3. No need for checks = no reorder fees for extra checks = savings on postage from sending checks.
4. It’s convenient. No need to visit your bank to request services and make updates.
5. No more waiting on the phone to pay a bill or waiting for checks to clear—you can immediately transfer funds online.
6. You can check your account balances 24 hours a day for FREE, so you stay on top of your spending.
7. You can track your expenses with your bank’s online spending tracker.
8. You can manage your money from your phone.
9. It’s organized. You can control all your bills in one place (your computer).
10. It’s all free!
Instead of automatically choosing to work with the bank on the corner, shop around to see which bank is right for you. Each will have their own products and services. For example, to help you better manage your accounts, some banks will even send reminder emails when a payment is due or your balance is low. And while all of Anna’s online services are free, you will want to check the terms of your online banking service. For example, some banks charge for online bill pay. Finally, take the time to figure out whether you want a large national bank, a small local bank, or an online bank. Don’t forget, the bank you’re looking for may be a credit union.