The federal government’s budget woes have brought the topics of financial planning and managing debt to the forefront of the national conversation. The situation has left many people feeling frustrated and helpless, however, the anger we’re lobbing at Washington may be a bit misdirected.
The situation the government is facing regarding the national debt is a scenario that millions of Americans are living on a daily basis. But unlike the government, most people don’t have the option to increase their personal debt ceiling.
There are a number of key financial lessons that you can utilize to help you avoid hitting your personal debt ceiling.
- Don’t avoid the problem. You can put a bandage on a wound, but if you need surgery it’s ultimately unavoidable. In fact, a “quick fix” will ultimately cost you more in the long-term. If you’re having difficulty paying your bills each month, opening up a new line of credit may be a temporary solution, but it doesn’t address the real issue.
- Be honest with yourself. What caused you to become overwhelmed with debt? Was it medical bills? Did you lose your job? Or maybe you are living a lifestyle you simply can’t afford. Sit down with your bills, receipts and checkbook and take a long, honest look at where your money is going. You have to pinpoint the problem in order to determine the best solution. Take this quiz to determine whether you have a healthy relationship with money.
- Make tough decisions. You cannot spend more than you make. It’s that simple, and it’s that hard. Creating a budget is a necessity. Your budget should be based on your income and your expenses. Use this expense worksheet to help you get started. If you are still having a difficult time creating a budget, MMI offers free budget and debt counseling. The certified counselors at MMI can help you understand your situation and provide you with advice tailored to your personal situations.
- Prepare to be uncomfortable. Through the budgeting process, you will likely find that you have to make spending cuts and sacrifices. Although it will feel frustrating and overwhelming, it’s important to keep in mind that those feelings are all part of the journey. Getting out of debt is not a fun process, but remaining in debt is much worse.
- Don’t look back. You will face barriers and setbacks in your journey, but keep moving forward. If you begin to feel discouraged, review the accomplishments you have already achieved. Consistently review your goals and make sure they are realistic. This is your plan, so modify and tailor your goals in a way that will keep you motivated. Most importantly, remain focused on the end result.
The next time you are tempted to look critically at Washington, turn that critical eye on yourself and make a change that you can feel good about.