Saving more money, reducing debt, managing money better, and eliminating the use of credit cards are among the most popular financial resolutions people are setting this New Year. However, fifty-six percent of those surveyed said that they do not plan to set any financial goals in 2010. Whether deterred by uncontrollable forces (like the economy and job loss) or just fear of lacking the self-discipline to follow through, the New Beginnings eBook aims at helping consumers start the new year off right by setting and keeping financial resolutions that not only improve their finances, but also improve their life.
New Beginnings covers:
- Ten financial resolutions worth keeping
- Steps to get a grip on financial clutter
- How to set realistic financial goals and resolutions
- How to personalize goals to make them more achievable
New Beginnings offers a step-by-step guide to turning resolutions into action-oriented steps that make achieving financial success in 2010 a reality. Download your free copy today!