Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season and many people start their holiday by serving a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and end it by shopping. Unfortunately, an expensive Thanksgiving weekend means less money left over for the weeks ahead. Like most expenses, there are quite a few ways to keep costs down, and as usual, the most important one is to plan ahead. To help trim the fat from your Thanksgiving weekend budget, I am pleased to announce the release of MMI’s latest free eBook—Thrifty Thanksgiving.
When thinking about holiday spending, most people typically fast-forward to December’s big budget busting holidays. However, it pays to think thrifty all season long—starting with Thanksgiving. While a turkey alone might not tip your financial scale, holiday food, travel, decorations, and entertainment can really add up. Thankfully, Thrifty Thanksgiving includes a lot of ideas to help you trim the fat from your Thanksgiving budget. In addition to ideas on how to stretch your dinner and budget, Thrifty Thanksgiving covers:
-Step-by-step instructions for decorating on a dime
-5 ways to keep tradition
-5 ways to break tradition
-Travel tips
-Tips for staying in the black on Black Friday
-How to make the most of leftovers
-Ways to incorporate “thanks” into your Thanksgiving
Thrifty Thanksgiving also offers a holiday checklist to help you organize your plans. After all, a little planning can help you enjoy and tasteful and thrifty Thanksgiving.
Download the Thrifty Thanksgiving eBook today!