I recently read an interesting article on earning more money. The article emphasized earning more income instead of cutting costs. Let’s face it, cutting back on expenses isn’t always an option. You may be able to cut back on things such as cable, cell phone services, and eating out, but that will only go so far. Other items such as mortgage/rent or car payments aren’t as easily reduced. Plus, in a poll by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, 66 percent of Americans have frugal fatigue – meaning people are tired of having to pinch pennies as a way to control spending.
In the midst of high gas prices and a still relatively high unemployment rate, earning extra income is a viable option for some people. A growing number of people are taking on part-time or freelance work to help ease growing expenses. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, about five percent of the working population has more than one job.
Most people are creative and have more than one talent to parlay into some extra earnings. Below is list of ideas for earning more income.
- Freelance photography
- Creating and selling jewelry
- Cake making and decorating
- Event planning
- Freelance writer
- Blogger
- Marketing services, i.e., consulting, promotion, web site design, public relations, research, etc.
- Playing the piano at a local church
- Cooking and selling “dinner plates” to neighbors or at local shops like auto repair shops, barber shops, or beauty salons
- Sewing/mending clothes for friends and family
- Teaching private music lessons (such as piano, saxophone, etc.)
- Home accounting, bookkeeping, or tax-planning business
- Teach dance lessons
- Babysit kids in your neighborhood
- Tutoring services
- Personal assistant
- Helping prepare resumes, cover letters, and other career-oriented help
- Dog walking or other pet services such as grooming
- Auto/bike repair
- Become a leisure-learning teacher in an area of your choice
- Sell unused or gently-used items on sites like eBay
- Become a sales representative for a cosmetics company
- Host garage sales
For more ideas on how to bring in extra income, visit Money Management International’s Earn More section.