Interview with the author of the new book Three Feet from Gold

Three Feet from Gold
The new book Three Feet from Gold will be released on Tuesday, October 6. Three Feet from Gold is based on the 1937 best-seller Think & Grow Rich and promises “practical wisdom and inspiration to help people find their own personal path to success.”

I had the opportunity to ask one of the book’s authors, Sharon L. Lechter some questions about the book. Ms. Lechter is also a member of the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy and was co-author of the international best-seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad and 14 books in the Rich Dad series. Following is my question and answer session with Ms. Lechter.

This book is based on Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich. What do you think made this book such a huge success?

Ms. Lechter: It was the right message at the right time. Published during the Great Depression, Napoleon Hill revealed the keys to success. Think & Grow Rich provided a road map to success along with the inspiration for all who read it. Many of today’s greatest success stories attribute their success to reading Think & Grow Rich.

How did you come up with the title Three Feet from Gold?

Ms. Lechter: The title Three Feet from Gold comes from the first chapter in Think & Grow Rich. The story of R.U. Darby, a young man who went west during the Gold Rush to find his fortune in gold. After running out of gold in his mine, Darby gave up and returned east, selling his mine to the junkman. The junkman had studied mining for years and brought in the expertise of a mining engineer. He discovered one of the richest gold veins in history….just three feet from where Darby had started digging! It is the story of perseverance, finding the right advisors, and having faith that you are on the right path!

Think & Grow Rich came out in 1937. Why did you choose to publish Three Feet from Gold now, after all of these years?

Ms. Lechter: Think & Grow Rich came out during the Great Depression and is widely credited for helping people find the courage to create great success in their lives. Given the current economic downturn, we felt that Napoleon Hill’s initial messages of success and perseverance were even more imperative to help people through their current struggles. Three Feet from Gold highlights his teachings using leaders of today and shares their stories of how they persevered through rough times and turned their obstacles into opportunities.

What is just one of the many important messages, or key take-aways, that you’d like to share with our audience?

Ms. Lechter: When asked to co-author this book, I was dealing with my own struggles and I was at a cross-roads. I was considering giving up…even though I knew I should persevere. Hearing the stories of the people we interviewed gave me the courage to keep going and it was a tremendous gift. I hope our readers will find the same motivation and encouragement that I did from these incredible people.

Who will benefit most from reading it?

Ms. Lechter: Anyone who is facing difficulties. Anyone who wants to improve their lives and create a foundation of wealth and success for themselves and their families. AND most of all, anyone ready to seize the opportunities that are just three feet in front of them!

Could you please share one of your favorite Napoleon Hill quotes—one that really sticks with you?

Ms. Lechter: My personal favorite from one of our experts is “Replace your wishbone with a backbone,” by John St. Augustine. We have all heard of the power of attraction… the power of positive mental attitude and it is tremendously important. But as John so correctly points out, you must combine that positive mental attitude with ACTION if you truly want positive results. My favorite Napoleon Hill quote is, “Are you waiting for success to arrive, or are you going out to find where it is hiding?”

For more information about the book, visit