My children and I enjoy challenging each other and Mother’s Day was no exception.
Me: “No, you cannot buy it (toy). Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
Son: “I don’t get it—the paper must come from trees, right?”
Me: “No, smartypants, the paper does not come from trees.”
Son: “Wha?!”
It’s true—there is no wood in currency paper. Currency paper is made of linen and cotton fibers with embedded silk threads. This special blend has a lot of strength (the paper must be able to be folded at least 4,000 times before fraying) and a distinctive feel that is hard to duplicate. For nearly 200 years, this special paper has been made in Massachusetts by Crane & Co.
We both grew bored with the topic by this time, but if you want to know more about money, check out this in depth special from Nova Online called the Secrets of Making Money.