Share your story for the opportunity to win free credit counseling and $5,000 to help pay off your debt.
Has a low credit score prevented you from achieving your financial goals? If you want to better understand how credit works and are ready to take the steps you need to start building a positive credit history, now’s your chance to get some help.
Experian is asking Americans to share their stories. Now through Oct. 31, you can go to and tell your credit story in a short video or essay. Experian wants to hear about your goals, challenges, or how unforeseen events may have harmed your credit health and why you’re ready to make a positive change.
Finalists will be posted on Experian’s website, where the public and a panel of judges will vote for the stories they find most compelling. A select group of winners will receive $5,000 to help pay off their debt, as well as an opportunity to meet with Maxine Sweet, vice president of public education at Experian and a session with an accredited credit counselor from a local National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) member agency (MMI is a member of the NFCC) who will help them devise a plan to start making more informed financial decisions and take back control of their financial futures. The winners will also be featured in a webisode series, “Living Credit Smart,” which will chronicle participants’ journeys to financial empowerment.
Winners will be notified in January. For more information, including challenge rules, please visit
Good luck!