It is a father’s role to help their children become responsible adults. In the process, many fathers regularly offer their children advice in the form of clichés. If your Father’s arsenal of euphemisms included “because I said so” you yourself may have been inclined to ignore some of dear-old-Dad’s advice; understandable since even the most loyal child can’t always help but roll their eyes with Dad says “you’ll thank me later.” However, before you disregard every pearl of wisdom your Dad ever quipped, you should know that many do deserve your attention. This is especially true for clichés about money.
The subject of money is often emotionally charged and can be a difficult one to discuss. By offering tried-and-true financial expressions during the course of your lifetime, your father may have taught you more than you realize. This Father’s Day, honor your Father by revisiting some of his financial clichés. You may be surprised to discover that there are some valuable lessons conveniently packaged in those easy-to-remember phrases.
A penny saved is a penny earned basically means that you should pay yourself first. In fact, financial experts agree with Dad; you should have three to six month’s living expenses saved in an accessible account. This is in addition to your long term savings vehicles, such as your 401k.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush means that what you currently possess is worth more than the possibility of possessing more. In conjunction with the grass is always greener on the other side, Dad may have been telling you to want what you have. Many experts believe that this is the key to happiness.
Money doesn’t grow on trees is a seemingly simple expression that illustrates the value of money and hard work. One way to apply this to your life is to remember that credit cards are a tool of convenience and not an extension of your income.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch goes hand in hand with you reap what you sow. If you heard this while growing up, Dad was probably trying to tell you to stop looking for the easy way out. Most people will never win the lottery. In most cases, you will only get out of something what you put into it.
The very definition of a cliché suggests that a phrase is overused and has lost its originality. On the other hand, you might consider that there is a reason the expressions are spoken so often. So next time you are concerned that you are beginning to sound like your Father, remember that just may be a good thing.