Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks for friends, family, and the good fortune you’ve experienced throughout the year. As this holiday is the perfect opportunity for you and your family to express gratitude for all you have, we’ve created a list of five free activities to help you and your loved ones reflect the true reason for the season and put the “thanks” back into your Thanksgiving holiday:
Create thank you cards. Have craft material on hand and encourage family members and guests to create a thank you card for someone who has influenced their lives in a positive way during the past year.
Teach kids about the first Thanksgiving. Make sure they understand that the holiday was originally a celebration to commemorate the creation of a new government. Talk about patriotism and the importance of feeling connected to one’s country.
Create a thankful list. Encourage guests to share their list of things they are thankful for. Take turns going around the table announcing at least one great thing that brings joy to life.
Volunteer. Find volunteer opportunities and give back to your community and to the less fortunate. Soup kitchens, nursing homes, and faith based organizations generally need more volunteers during the holiday.
Offer a thankful toast. Invite each guest to toast someone sitting around the table. By expressing gratitude for those close to you, you will strengthen the bonds of friendship and love that your family shares.
Make this year’s holiday the most memorable Thanksgiving of all by creating new traditions that promote a deeper sense of gratitude and awareness of the needs of others. Giving thanks at Thanksgiving is a wonderful way to close the year in preparation for the year to come.
For more ideas on how to have a wonderful, thrifty Thanksgiving download our free ebook!