Anyone who knows me knows I love to shop. There’s nothing like putting together a great outfit. I feel like I’ve created a masterpiece. I once told someone that “shoes aren’t just something you put on your feet; they are a work of art—like something to be admired in a museum.”
As much as I love to shop it’s important not to spend all my hard-earned money on fashion. There are many ways to dress well without spending a lot of money. According to the Consumer Expenditure Survey, the average household of 2.5 people spends $1,604 per year on clothes. Below are tips to help you save less on clothes and accessories.
Shop before you need something. Shopping on impulse or at the last minute can leave you with an overpriced item you don’t like. It’s best to plan ahead and give yourself time to research the best price and buy something you’ll love.
Look for end-of-season deals. The best time to buy a winter coat is after the winter season winds down and the spring shipment begins to come in. If you buy items during off-season you can save a bundle. The trick is to buy items you will wear and avoid buying something just because it is on sale.
Find bargains at resale shops. Resale stores carry stylish, gently worn pieces. You can resale your old clothes and earn a few bucks or just exchange what you own for something in the store of equal value. There is usually a fashion buyer on-site to personally inspect the clothes for wear-ability and style.
Checkout great deals online. Online shopping sites such as Ebay and Amazon are great places to buy clothes. To have a successful experience always purchase an item from a seller who has a solid reputation and lots of positive comments; check all measurements to make sure the item will fit you properly; and verify the price is reasonable by researching what it sells for now.
Mix and match pieces. Buy items that you can mix and match with a variety of pieces. Make sure you can wear the item for a variety of occasions. This will cut down on shopping trips and cost less money. *A good rule of thumb to buying shoes is to make sure you can wear them with at least five different outfits.
Invest in the basics. This is an old style rule. Everyone should have a nice, crisp white shirt; a good pair of black, tailored pants; a nice pair of blue jeans; and dress shoes. To cut down on shoe buying get one pair of silver, gold, black, flesh-tone, red, and your favorite color shoes. These are stable colors. You’ll be able to wear them with anything. Don’t buy shoes that are too trendy and I recommend investing in a really good pair since you won’t have to buy new ones for awhile (depending on how often you wear them).
Look for special promotions. Sign up with your favorite stores to receive coupons and special promotions through the mail or email. Many stores send out coupons to customers who have signed up. This will also inform you of special sales and clearance events.
Yes, fashion is an art. Managing money is a skill. Study styles in magazines and shop for similar, discounted items. Magazines such as Instyle offer a Fashion for Less section where the editors find inexpensive versions of some the season’s hottest pieces.